Nyabing Primary School
Hobley Street
Nyabing WA 6341
Phone: (08) 6866 1750
Fax: (08) 9829 1004
E-mail: nyabing.ps@education.wa.edu.au
School Buses
- Glenda Germain: West Bus 9829 1066
- Darren Gray: South/East Bus 0428 314 743
- Graeme Brown: North/East Bus 0447 428 067
Pingrup Primary School
Carrie Street
Pingrup WA 6343
Phone: (08) 6851 4700
Fax: (08) 9820 1039
Email: pingrup.ps@education.wa.edu.au
School Buses
- Diane Shier South / East Run 08 9820 1050
- Lisa Macaulay North / East Run 0428 919 152
- Paul Thompson East Rd – North Needilup Rd 0419 169 354
For High School students a bus service runs daily to and from Katanning Senior High School.
School Bus Services contact details for students residing in Nyabing and wanting to attend Katanning SHS are:
Phone: 9326 2063
Email: sbssouthcentral@pta.wa.gov.au
For a student that wishes to travel on a school bus, an application for Transport Assistance is required to be submitted on-line via our website www.schoolbuses.wa.gov.au . The application will be assessed and the family advised of the outcome via an email.