Great Southern Regional Trails Master Plan – Open for Public Comment Until Sunday 19 January
The Shire of Kent is pleased to advise that the Great Southern Regional Trails Master Plan (RTMP) is now available for public comment. The RTMP aims to:
- Provide a vision to guide future growth & development of trails in the Great Southern
- Provide a 10 year program of infrastructure delivery for different trail types & user groups across the region:
- Be a critical tool in budget planning by State and local governments for trail development
- Prioritise trail experiences which are highly valued by local communities and visitors for recreation, improved health, wellbeing and economic outcomes
The Shire of Kent is a key partner in the development of the RTMP. The master plan has been developed by the Great Southern Centre for Outdoor Recreation Excellence (GSCORE) in partnership with all eleven local governments in the Great Southern region – Albany, Broomehill-Tambellup, Cranbrook, Denmark, Gnowangerup, Jerramungup, Katanning, Kent, Kojonup, Plantagenet, and Woodanilling. It has the support of the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA), the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC), and the Great Southern Development Commission (GSDC).
GSCORE is keen to receive informed comments from:
- Organisations and agencies from across relevant industries
- Groups and individuals with an interest in outdoor recreation and trails
View the draft RTMP
Email your comments to
The draft Great Southern Regional Trails Master Plan is open for comment between
16th December and 19th January 2020.
For more information about all public comment notices please contact The Shire of Kent Admin Office.
For more information about the Great Southern Regional Trails Master Plan, please contact Karl Hansom, Project Coordinator, GSCORE on 9892 0151 or