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A Friendly, Family Community

Shire of Kent 100 Years Rebranding Survey

In conjunction with the Shire of Kent turning 100 this year Council have engaged the services of consultants Castledine + Castledine to assist in a rebranding design for the Shire of Kent.

Castledine +Castledine will work with elected members, staff and community members to produce a new logo and tag line that is professional and has an impact. Castledine +Castledine have experience working with many local government authorities and communities and pride themselves in designing logos that are distinctive and timeless.

The process will involve community interaction via surveys and workshops to extract feedback which could potentially inform the design process. Surveys have already been sent to both Pingrup and Nyabing Primary Schools for the students to provide some input and it would be greatly appreciated if you could also participate in this consultation process by completing this survey.