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A Friendly, Family Community

Shire of Kent Proposed Local Laws Open for Submissions

CAT ACT 2011
DOG ACT 1976 

Shire of Kent

Proposed Local Laws

The Shire of Kent proposes to adopt the following local laws –

  1. Shire of Kent Animals, Environment and Nuisance Local Law (Click to Access)
  • Purpose – to provide for the regulation, control and management of animals and the prevention of environmental damage and nuisances
  • Effect – to establish the requirements with which any person keeping animals, or undertaking activities that have the potential to impact the environment or create nuisance must comply.
  1. Shire of Kent Bush Fire Brigades Local Law (Click to Access)
  • Purpose – to make provisions for establishment and roles of officers of Bush Fire Brigades in accordance with the Bush Fires Act
  • Effect – to align the requirements for Bush Fire Brigades with legislation and local practice.
  1. Shire of Kent Cemeteries Local Law; (Click to Access)
  • Purpose – to provide for the management of cemeteries within the district and create offences for non-compliance.
  • Effect – to provide for the management and control of cemeteries.
  1. Shire of Kent Dogs Local Law (Click to Acces)
  • Purpose – to make provisions about the impounding, the number that may be kept on premises, the manner of keeping dogs and create offences for non-compliance.
  • Effect – to repeal existing Dogs Local Law 1998 and provide for the controls of dogs within the district and impose penalties for non-compliance.
  1. Shire of Kent Fencing Local Law (Click to Access)
  • Purpose – to prescribe a sufficient fence and the standard for construction of fences and create offences for non-compliance.
  • Effect – to establish the minimum requirements for fencing, provide for permitted and prohibited fencing, and create offences for non-compliance.
  1. Shire of Kent Public Places and Local Government Property Local Law (Click to Access)
  • Purpose – to make provisions for the management of public places, thoroughfares and all local government property
  • Effect – to repeal existing local laws, establish necessary controls for public places, thoroughfares and local government property, provide for permitted and prohibited use and activities, and create offences for non-compliance

A copy of the proposed local laws may be inspected at or obtained from –

  • the Shire Offices in Nyabing during normal office hours
  • from the Shire of Kent’s website (CLICK THE ABOVE LINKS TO ACCESS)
  • by contacting the Shire Office

Submissions about the proposed local laws may be made by 4.00pm, Thursday 27 July 2023 –

  • in writing to the CEO at the address below, or
  • by email to


Adam Seiler
Chief Executive Officer,
Shire of Kent
24-26 Richmond Street
PO Box 15,
NYABING   6341