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A Friendly, Family Community

Expressions of Interest – Audit Committee External Member

Expressions of Interest (EOI) are sought from suitably qualified individuals to be appointed as an external member to Council’s Audit Committee (the Committee) until the October 2025 Local Government Ordinary Elections.

The primary objective of the audit committee is to accept responsibility for the annual external audit and liaise with the local government’s auditor so that Council can be satisfied with the performance of the local government in managing its financial affairs.

The committee is to facilitate –

  • the enhancement of the credibility and objectivity of external financial reporting;
  • effective management of financial and other risks and the protection of Council assets;
  • compliance with laws and regulations as well as use of best practice guidelines relative to audit, risk management, internal control and legislative compliance;
  • the provision of an effective means of communication between the external auditor, the CEO and the Council.

Further details are available in the Committee’s Terms of Reference which are AVAILABLE HERE or by contacting the Administration Office.

Meetings are held approximately twice per annum. The Local Government Act 1995 prevents the Shire from making payment to the successful applicant.

To a submit and EOI please provide a cover letter detailing:

  • Background, experience and qualifications relevant to the Terms of Reference;
  • Any previous experience or involvement in local government, community organisations or committees thereof; and
  • The motivation for joining the Committee.

This is an opportunity for a community member who can assist with the monitoring of the Shire’s governance and risk functions.

For more information, please contact Michaela Crosby, Manager Corporate, on 9829 1051 or email

EOIs are to be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer and can be emailed to, posted to PO Box 15, NYABING WA 6341 or hand delivered to the Shire Administration Office, 24-26 Richmond Street, NYABING WA 6341.

EOIs must be received by Friday, 4pm 24 November 2023.

Christie Smith
Chief Executive Officer