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A Friendly, Family Community

Shire SMS Service – Update

Hi Community,

We have noticed recently that there has been an increase in random international numbers (often scammers or bots) who are requesting to join our Shire WhatsApp Groups.

We have decided to not accept any international numbers unless they have been verified with the Shire.

We understand that there are many local workers and community members who use their international numbers for WhatsApp.

To protect our group members, people requesting access to groups with an international numbers will be required to submit a basic form to verify their number and that they live in the Shire of Kent or the surrounding area.

Alternatively, you can visit the office, call or send an email.

As the harvest season approaches, please pass this information onto any foreign workers you may have that wish to have access to the Shire’s communication.

Please contact the Shire Office with any queries.